Tag: awareness

  • Befriending Myself

    Befriending myself for me and hopefully for you is about learning to trust my judgement, my emotions and my decisions. The best way for me to befriend myself is to listen to my heart’s intuitive wisdom and keep my word to myself. Keeping myself accountable to do what my mouth commits me to do, gifts…

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  • Affirmation, Gratitude and Peace

    Today’s Affirmation; I, shall do my best to keep my thoughts, feelings and spirit in a calm and peaceful state today. I practice the art of deep breathing to make it possible for me to be present and peaceful in the world. Each moment is an opportunity for me to create a good story about…

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  • Affirmation, Gratitude and Good Habits

    Today’s Affirmation; I, _________, (insert my name here to be open to changing any habit that does not serve me) have the strength to evaluate my habits to see what habits of mine create in me a feeling of wellness. When I discover habits I have that increase my well being I practice repeating those…

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  • Affirmation, Gratitude and Anniversaries

    Today’s Vlog #42 my affirmation is dedicated to Bob and Vija Cerins 64th Anniversary. https://youtu.be/QUW1Cqsoj3c Today’s Affirmation; I, Stephanie, (insert your name here if you like) have the chance today to learn how to love from the people in my life who have lots of practice loving, like Robert Cerins parents Bob and Vija Cerins,…

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  • Affirmation, Gratitude and Being Peace

    Today’s Affirmation; I, Stephanie, (insert your name here if you like) choose to influence the world with my loving heart. Through the reading of many fine books written by the enlightened beings of our planet one of my discoveries is that it is my duty to stay focused on being kind, compassionate and aware of…

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  • Affirmation, Gratitude and Self-Compassion

    Today’s Affirmation; I, Stephanie, (insert your name here if you like) have a chance today to be kind to me. Realizing that I am a spiritual being here to experience life thrills me. I have an opportunity to value me today. I remind myself that it is up to me how I perceive every aspect…

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