Tag: vibration

  • Affirmation, Gratitude and Trust

    Today’s Affirmation; I, Stephanie, (insert your name here if you like) have an opportunity today to align myself with my spiritual, infinite self through my thoughts and emotions. The more I focus on love and gratitude the higher my vibration and the closer I am to matching the vibration of the Universe. In order to…

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  • Affirmation, Gratitude and Standing Up For Water

    Today’s Affirmation; I, Stephanie, (insert your name here if you like) love to read books that inspire my heart to exude a vibration of calmness. It is important to me to practice the spiritual principles of patience, kindness and acceptance everyday. To acknowledge my role in creating a compassionate society by being willing to accept,…

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  • Affirmation, Gratitude and Being Peace

    Today’s Affirmation; I, Stephanie, (insert your name here if you like) choose to influence the world with my loving heart. Through the reading of many fine books written by the enlightened beings of our planet one of my discoveries is that it is my duty to stay focused on being kind, compassionate and aware of…

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  • Affrimation, Gratitude and Spices

    Today’s Affirmation; I, Stephanie, (insert your name here if you like) have a chance today to effect the world through the vibrations I emit today. The best way I have learned so far to generate healing vibrations is to be kind to myself and others. When I practice enjoying all that I do from cleaning…

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  • Affirmation, Gratitude and Vibrations

    Today’s Affirmation; I, Stephanie, (insert your name here if you like) am a powerful co-creator of my life. Every thought I think or emotion I feel is generating a vibration that reaches out to the furthest ends of the universe and returns to me the same exact vibration that I produce. Kinda like a radio…

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  • Affirmation, Gratitude and My Voice

    Today’s Affirmation; I, Stephanie, feel connected to myself when I listen to my still small voice that reminds me daily that I must receive in order to be able to give. Just as I must water a garden, pull the weeds and add the proper nutrients to the soil to increase that chance of an…

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  • Affirmation, Gratitude and A Gold Crown

    Today’s affirmation; I, Stephanie, (insert your name here if you like) am excited to learn my heart emits electromagnetic energy that can be felt by the people in my life as my vibe, aura or energy. Today I choose to be responsible for the energy I emit. I focus on visualizing my vibration as comforting…

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  • Affirmation, Gratitude and Serendipity

    Today’s Affirmation; I, Stephanie, (insert your name here if you like) love learning how to allow the natural state of wellness that is my essence to flow through every cell of my body. I embrace the ever changing physical universe with the excitement of an innocent child and I am fascinated once again by the…

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  • Affirmation, Gratitude and Self Worth

    Today’s Affirmation, I, Stephanie, (insert your name here if you like) realize that I am as worthy or unworthy as I think or feel. My worth as a child was dependent upon the self worth of the people who raised me, as every time my mom or dad felt fear or overwhelming emotion so did…

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  • Affirmation, Gratitude and Innocence

    Today’s Affirmation; I, Stephanie, know that all discomfort comes from fear of some kind. That the best way for me to deal with my fear is to realize, that my fear is just a story I told myself, that I did not even like. So today I create stories about my life that bring me…

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