Eating Well Affirmation

My body is depending on me to take care of my body.  My body is like my child.  My body needs me to feed my body whole fruits and vegetables grown by farmers who nurture the soil with animal poo.  My stomach is counting on me to eat fermented foods that strengthen my gut microbiome.  Every cell of my body needs minerals, vitamins, fat, & protein.  It is up to me to listen to my body so that I find the proper combination of foods to eat so that MY body can thrive.  How do I feel after I eat meat?  How do I feel after I eat pasta or grains?  My body communicates to me by farting, burping, getting a headache, getting a stomach ache or feel satisfied after a meal.  
When I eat what my entire body wants me to eat I sleep well, feel well, and function well.  It is empowering to see my body respond with vibrant health and energy when I eat a big salad and some high quality protein.  The only drink my body needs me to drink is pure water.  Water is the only substance that every creature on the planet needs to drink.  I practice watering myself by drinking one to two quarts of purified water a day.  
Water is the great purifier.  Every cell in by body needs to have a bath in water every day.  My body gifts me with radiant health when I pay attention to what I eat & drink.
I am a well child of Universal Love and Universal Love feels content when I nourish every cell of my being.  :~)
May this Affirmation bring you comfort. :~)

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