Enjoying Trust Affirmation

It is up to me to learn to trust myself so I am able to give and receive trust to others. Trusting myself takes time because in order to trust myself it is important for me to follow through with commitments and goals I make only to me. Each time I keep my word to myself I feel a bit more confident and capable. My heart feels heard when I stick to my exercise routine and once again my confidence grows.

Being able to trust myself has a great benefit, I am able to have better discernment when I am dealing with my friends. I watch the actions of my friends and loved one while I listen to their words to see if they are walking their talk, are they living the truth they speak of? Are they nice to people in public and then say mean things about the same people in private? When I pay attention to the actions and speech of my loved ones I feel safe. I am able to be supportive when I listen to the words and the emotions of my friends.

Because I am able to listen to my own needs, wants and feelings I am better able to patiently listen to the feelings, needs and wants of others. By loving my own flaws I am able to love the character defects in everyone I meet. To me everyone is perfectly imperfect just as I am. I give people the opportunity to be wrong. I am only responsible for my actions, my thoughts and my feelings. It is awesome, everyone on planet earth believes a bit differently so that I can learn from everyone I meet. It is exciting to see everyone I meet as my equal. I know everyone is scared of something so I do my best to exude kindness, compassion and comfort for everyone to feel. I am capable of being the change I want to see in the world.

I was made in the image of the great creator to care for the garden of Eden which is planet earth. I tend my life with care to see my future bloom with abundance. I have the ability to thrive in every situation where I am able to trust myself. Trusting myself to stand up for me, feed me well and make sure that I get enough sleep brings to my heart a feeling of serenity.

I am a logical child of Universal Love and Universal Love is excited when I am able to trust in the process of life.

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