Category: mental health

  • Caring For The Vagus Nerve The Reiki Healer

    Stephanie share a few stories of how she has coped with the stress in her life in the hopes of gifting you with new perspectives. She loves being able to calm herself by connecting to her vagus nerve through breath work! When you connect to your vagus nerve you feel empowered. The Vagus Nerve is…

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  • Enjoying Trust Affirmation

    Enjoying Trust Affirmation

    It is up to me to learn to trust myself so I am able to give and receive trust to others. Trusting myself takes time because in order to trust myself it is important for me to follow through with commitments and goals I make only to me. Each time I keep my word to…

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  • Being Good In Stressful Times Affirmation

    Being Good In Stressful Times Affirmation

    I have a responsibility to emit calmness for every heart to feel. When I choose to be responsible for the energy I emit Universal Love rejoices. I am capable of thriving in stressful situations. I am able bodied so I contribute uplifting energy to the people in my life and community. I am excited by…

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  • Recovering People Pleaser Affirmation

    Recovering People Pleaser Affirmation

    Every day I speak my truth I challenge my fear of being rejected. In the past I said what I thought people wanted to hear, to keep me safe. I realize if I am not speaking my truth, I am hurting myself. Now looking back at the people pleaser me, I realize, I was a…

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  • Persistence Is Better Than Genius Affirmation

    Persistence Is Better Than Genius Affirmation

    I always have a choice to take constructive action. Anytime I am feeling lost taking concrete action helps me feel grounded once more. (When I was young my parents had a wood stove and I got to split wood, stack wood and tend the fire. My favorite part of the process was splitting the wood.…

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  • Connecting To My Vagus Nerve

    Connecting To My Vagus Nerve

    My Vagus Nerve is the biggest nerve in my entire body. My Vagus Nerve controls my lungs, liver, stomach, GI tract, heart, spleen, Dorsal Motor Nucleus and lastly the Vagal Ganglia. Because the Vagus Nerve controls so many parts of my body it is capable of managing my digestion, my breathing, my cardiovascular system and…

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  • Listening To My Intuition Affirmation & Story

    Listening To My Intuition Affirmation & Story

    In order for me to have a well lived life it is important to me to be in touch with the gift of Intuition given to me by Universal Love. For me intuition is my ability to connect to my heart and the hearts of others from distances great and small. My heart was formed…

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  • Enjoying Myself Affirmation

    Enjoying Myself Affirmation

    As I walk in the woods on this beautiful path of speckled light shining through the Fir, Cedar and Arbutus trees inhaling the invigorating smell of the forest, I feel alive. It is a miracle that I have finally fallen in love with me. Instead of investing my time and energy in another relationship I…

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