Tag: family

  • Getting Along With Loved Ones

    My life is better when it is possible for me to get along with the the people I love. By being exercising my muscles of patience my relationships get stronger. Please exercise your muscles of patience and see what happens. Thank you for being here today. :~)

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  • Affirmation, Gratitude and Pirags

    To create in your heart a smile here is the vlog that goes with yesterday’s affirmation and what I am grateful for, may you feel lighter after watching my vlog. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxlpjIsF0A8 Today’s Affirmation; I, Stephanie, (insert your name here if you like) am willing to give up being guilty. It feels as if there is…

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  • Affirmation, Gratitude and Thoughts

    Today’s Affirmation; I, Stephanie, (insert your name here if you like) practice loving myself today by being accepting of how I am each morning. My emotions are created by my thoughts and perceptions of each situation that arises. Since the only part of my my day that I am able to control are my thoughts…

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  • Affirmation, Gratitude and Thanksgiving

    Today’s Affirmation; I, Stephanie, (insert your name here if you like) am blessed with a healthy body that lives to serve the people in my life. I find the best way for me to feel love is to share the love in every cell of my body in healthy, life affirming ways. So today I…

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  • Affirmation, Gratitude and My Mom

    Today’s Affirmation; I, Stephanie, allow myself to feel the situation I am in fully today. I embrace the grief, the uncertainty and the fact that today will be the last day I see my mom on this trip as I leave early tomorrow morning (with the fear it could be the last time I see…

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  • Affirmation, Gratitude and Trust

    Today’s Affirmation; I, Stephanie, bring out the best in me when I am patient, calm, caring and compassionate to me. I have learned that to gain the respect of others I must respect myself. I dare to realize my value, understand that I am a grand spiritual being here to love, nurture my grieving heart…

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  • Gratitude Dance! I Received A Liebster Blog Award!

    Gratitude Dance!  Found This Painted That Thank you for nominating me for the Liebster Blog Award that is given to new bloggers.  I feel excited, delighted and appreciated that I was chosen to receive this blog award.  When I opened my e-mail I felt thrilled, touched and overwhelmed, so now that the award has set…

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  • Affirmation, Gratitude and Probiotics

    Today’s Affirmation; I, Stephanie, (insert your name here if you like) choose to savour everything as if I was just released from a cave witnessing the sun, the moon, trees, birds, dogs, cats, smiles and all of creation for the first time. I look for wonder everywhere I go and I find it always. I…

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  • Affirmation, Gratitude and Visualization

    Today’s Affirmation; I, Stephanie, (insert your name here if you like) prepare for this day by expecting good things to happen for me. I visualize me accomplishing my goals of having written a book, speaking in front of large audiences and making money with my brain instead of my brawn. I am present to the…

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